How to Help Sandy Hook

While I don’t believe there is a way to truly comfort the victims of this tragedy, the Connecticut Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) is offering advice on how to help. From the website:

“Connecticut PTSA is deeply saddened by the tragedy that has struck our Newtown community. We have met with the PTA and community leaders in Newtown and Sandy Hook Elementary to offer our assistance at this very difficult time.  They have asked us to spearhead the following efforts on their behalf:

Snowflakes for Sandy Hook
Please help the students of Sandy Hook have a winter wonderland at their new school! Get creative!  No two snowflakes are alike. Make and send snowflakes by Jan. 12 to:

Connecticut PTSA
60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103
Hamden, CT  06514

Coins for Sandy Hook
Students can collect spare change to support their peers at Sandy Hook.  Other fundraising ideas include Walk- A -Thons, Spirit Days, Pajama Days, etc.

Please send contributions to “Connecticut PTSA Sandy Hook Fund” by Feb. 14.

Ongoing Fundraising Efforts
Donations are being accepted indefinitely to the: “Connecticut PTSA Sandy Hook Fund” to support the ongoing needs of the Sandy Hook Community. Send checks to:

Connecticut PTSA
60 Connolly Parkway, Building 12, Suite 103
Hamden, CT  06514

For questions or to reach anyone at Sandy Hook PTA, email The Newtown community has requested monetary contributions, but we do know there may be service and product donations that will be offered. For service or product inquiries, contact”